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Drinks to lower Cholesterol level, Avoid Heart Disease and Stroke

We all require a certain amount of cholesterol to function physical activities. But high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) would definitely cause some sorts of trouble. It helps to increases the risk of severe heart disease and stroke as well. It is obvious that a particular diet plan plays a significant role to lower cholesterol level. Moreover, there are some drinks that will reduce cholesterol level and eventually help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Let’s grab some cholesterol lowering drinks it will reduce cholesterol level and eventually help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.


Green Tea

Green tea is the first and foremost drink to lower the risk of bad cholesterol rise. The highest levels of antioxidants in green tea play the key role. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, green tea can lower LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol levels. Apart from that it also boosts levels of HDL cholesterol which kicks out bad cholesterol from your arteries.

Tart Cherry Juice

Tart cherries are also loaded with antioxidants like green tea. Antioxidants provide several benefits which include reducing cholesterol levels. In a recent study conducted at the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center, it is found that rats that received whole tart cherry powder as part of a high-fat diet had lower levels of cholesterol than other rats. You can get cherry juice readily available at supermarkets and natural health stores. However, you can also make your own at home using dried cherries or cherry powder.

Ginger Tea

Ginger has always been used to treat nausea and diarrhea. Some of the studies have also demonstrated that ginger along with tea help reduces high cholesterol level. But there should have been a limit in taking ginger. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, which recommends not consuming more than 4g of ginger daily.

Berry Juice

Studies show that berries help reduce blood cholesterol levels. But some are more effective than others. In a study conducted by the University of California at Davis, researchers found that fresh berries significantly decrease LDL cholesterol. Among the various types, blackberries were the most effective, followed by red raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries.

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Yogurt is another possible option to consume to lower the LDL or bad cholesterol level. According to research, yogurt can lower the LDL cholesterol level to 11% after 9 weeks of consumption. It is suggested to drink yogurt with probiotic content about 200 milligrams a day. The presence of Lactobacillus bacteria can impact the cholesterol level by breaking the bile salt molecules. One of the common Lactobacillus bacteria helps lower the cholesterol level.

Cabbage and Garlic Juice

Cabbage along with garlic has been handy to provide many health benefits. The combo of cabbage and garlic helps cleanse your body. It is found that the juice made from garlic and cabbage help eliminate excess fat and cholesterol that can affect your health. You are supposed to drink a cup of this juice every day until your cholesterol lowers. It should not last too long according to your consumption because there is a chance that cabbage could weaken the thyroid gland.
So, you must have to drink a cup of these juice every day until your cholesterol lowers.

It should not last too long according to your consumption because there is a chance that cabbage could weaken the thyroid gland.

So, you must try these drinks or tea on a daily basis to lower cholesterol level and of course, start with one drink at a time.

Rotate things based on your choice.

Don’t worry about when to drink, you can drink it anytime, anywhere.

If you have other health conditions, please consult with your nearest doctor before taking these natural remedies.

It is your responsibility to keep yourself fit as a fiddle, so you can keep loving and caring for your loved ones as long as possible.

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