Health Maestro is a website that provides information related to health. The website follows the rules below while conducting its job.
- Health Maestro is a website or blog where articles come from a number of sources. The sources may include paid writer, partners, and guest writers besides of regular researcher and writer. The articles found from external sources are cross-checked for any type of mistake.
- If any problem or wrong information found, Health Maestro has the right to edit, modify or delete a certain part of the articles that are submitted to publish here. Published articles are also bound to this point. For these, no notification will be sent to the writer. In some cases, the writer may get notified for some reasons.
- If any technical problem occurs during passing information like article, message or something like these, Health Maestro is not liable for that problem. Normally technical errors are unexpected and don’t seem to occur regularly. But in some exceptional case, it may occur. So, cross-checking of information passing is recommended.
- Health Maestro is not liable for all the contents of this website. For some reasons, it allows the online advertisement to be published. The content of the advertisement clearly not belongs to Health Maestro. So, Health Maestro isn’t going to take any responsibility for those.
The same goes for the comments. In Health Maestro, people are allowed to comment and let others know their opinion. The comments done by the users are their personal opinion. Health Maestro won’t be liable for those.
- There are some types of contents that should be crossed checked, for example- legal information, medical and health-related information, investment information etc. As a health-related website, Health Maestro always wants to provide the most dependable information to the users. But still, you are requested to take help from experts before following our information. Misuse of the information provided by Health Maestro is clearly the responsibility of the user.
- Although the data and information provided by Health Maestro are being corrected by different attempts, a face to face meeting with an expert will work better. So, for a better result, consult a doctor. You can use the information found here as references. Health Maestro isn’t responsible if error or delay occurs in case of updating information on the website.
- By using this website, you’ll be counted as a user who has agreed to the above rules.