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Barbara Oneill’s Shocking 3 Herbal teas that Lower High Blood pressure and Unclog Arteries

Are you suffering from high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, chest pain, or any heart-related problems? Dr. Barbara O’Neill’s natural remedies will help you to cure all these heart-related problems.

Dr. Barbara O’Neill is a renounced Alternative medicine Care expert known for her extra love for natural ingredients for a healthy life. She has made a huge impact on society by her medical advice. Many people follow her for better health and fitter lifestyle. 

Some small changes in your daily life can bring about positive results in your lifestyle. When you choose the right kind of herbs for your tea and drinks, you have just taken one big step towards ensuring better health for your heart.

According to Dr Barbara, Incorporating these teas and drinks regularly into your daily ritual helps reduce high blood pressure, inflammation, and cholesterol levels. Besides, it will improve circulation and support overall heart function. In this way, it will ensure a healthier heart.

In this video, we’ll take you on a journey through the wonderful world of herbal teas and drinks exploring their medicinal properties, and the health benefits they bring to us.

By the end, you will know why you should add more of these herbs to your tea and drinks.

So, Let’s dive into this exciting world of herbal tea and drinks that not only improve the flavor but also bring some extra wellness perks to your cup of comfort.

You can also watch the Video Added at the below of the content

Number 1: Hawthorn Berry Tea 

Let’s read what Barbara Said about Hawthorn Berry,

Hawthorn Berry strengthens the heart. Often people have heart arrhythmia caused by caffeine, wheat and refined sugars. Not even realizing that the food they are eating causing the problem. But Hawthorn Berry can bring it back to normality. It’s an incredible herb. If your blood pressure is too high, it will bring down and if your blood pressure is too low then it will bring up.

Dr. Barbara O’Neill, a big advocate for natural remedies, often suggests Hawthorn Berry for its antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties which keep us free from cardiovascular diseases.

The first type of tea we are going to talk about today is Hawthorn Berry Tea. When you take the small step of adding Hawthorn berry to tea can be a delightful and aromatic experience. Tea prepared from Hawthorn Berry contributes to improved heart health owing to its medicinal properties.

Hawthorn has been used to treat heart disease as far back as the 1st century. People were using it to treat circulatory disorders. Hawthorn berries were used to treat heart problems ranging from irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, chest pain, hardening of the arteries, and heart failure. Today, the leaves and flowers are being used medicinally.

Hawthorn contains powerful antioxidants like Flavonoids, phenolic acids, and Anthocyanins.

Antioxidants are substances that destroy free radicals. Antioxidants neutralize these free radicals and protect us from cell damage. Antioxidants in hawthorn may help stop some of the damage from free radicals, especially when it comes to heart disease. Thus it contributes greatly to cardiovascular health. 

It is a common notion that chronic inflammation is a significant risk factor for heart disease. Hawthorn Berry has anti-inflammatory properties which assist in lowering inflammation in the body including inflammation in blood vessels.

According to Healthline, Animal studies show that hawthorn can act as a vasodilator, meaning it can relax constricted blood vessels, ultimately lowering blood pressure. To add Hawthorn Berry tea into your daily routine for better heart health, you can note the following recipe:


You must take two tablespoons of dried Hawthorn Berry and two cups of filtered water.


To make Hawthorn Berry Tea simply steep one teaspoon of dried Hawthorn Berry into boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Strain and enjoy!


We know that hawthorn berry tea has several health benefits. You must consult with your doctor before taking it or any other supplement. The factors that make it effective can also create complications for people taking certain medications.

Number 2: Ginger Tea

So, The second type of tea we are going to talk about is ginger tea. This popular tea prepared from Ginger has been appreciated for its potential heart health benefits.

Dr Barbara O’Neill reveals that Ginger is a very powerful herb. It is well known as  ‘natural blood thinner’. Ginger’s natural anticoagulant properties help prevent blood clots, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Another important benefit of Ginger is it is anti-inflammatory. Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties help prevent inflammation in the cardiovascular system, which can lead to heart disease.

Ginger is one of several nutrients that can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. By affecting platelet aggregation and activation, Ginger may help reduce the risk of developing blood clots and artery blockages, which are key factors in thrombosis and atherosclerosis, thereby lowering cardiovascular risk.

Ginger contains compounds called shogaol and gingerol, which help lower blood pressure. These compounds reduce cholesterol and LDL levels, prevent plaque buildup in arteries, and make blood vessels more flexible. They also reduce inflammation that can damage blood vessels. 

Studies show that taking at least 3 grams of ginger daily for up to 8 weeks can lower blood pressure, especially in people around 50 years old. This may be due to ginger’s antioxidant properties.

On the Other hand, a study conducted by NIH (National Institute of Health) show that, Ginger May lower blood sugar and improve heart disease risk factors. 

In a 2015 study, 41 people with type 2 diabetes took 2 grams of ginger powder per day. They have seen significant improvement in lowering blood sugar. 

To include ginger tea in your daily routine and improve the overall health of your heart you need to follow the following recipe.


You must collect two pieces of Ginger and 2 cups of filtered water. You can add one tablespoon of honey for flavor.


Put sliced Ginger into boiling water and boil it for 5 to 7 minutes. Strain it and enjoy!


We know that Ginger tea has several health benefits. You should consult with your doctor before taking it or any other supplement. The factors that make it effective can also create complications for people taking certain medications.

Number 3. Cayenne Pepper  

Yes, Cayenne pepper is more than just a spice that adds a fiery kick to your dishes. It’s packed with capsaicin, the compound responsible for its heat, which has some impressive benefits for your heart. Capsaicin helps to improve blood circulation by dilating blood vessels, which can help lower blood pressure and reduce the strain on your heart.

Additionally, cayenne pepper has anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a key factor in the development of heart disease, and by reducing inflammation, cayenne pepper can help protect your heart. It also encourages fibrinolytic activity, which helps prevent blood clots that can lead to heart attacks.

Now, let’s talk about a delicious way to incorporate cayenne pepper into your routine: cayenne pepper tea. This spicy tea can be a great way to start your day or give you a mid-afternoon boost. Here’s a simple Cayenne Pepper Tea  recipe:



First, Boil the water and let it cool slightly.

Now Add the cayenne pepper to the hot water.

Stir in the lemon juice. This adds a refreshing tang and boosts the tea’s health benefits with vitamin C.

Add honey if you like a bit of sweetness to balance the heat.

Mix well and sip slowly.

This tea not only warms you up but also gives your heart a little extra love. Remember, cayenne pepper is potent, so start with a small amount and adjust to your taste.

If you have any health concerns or conditions regarding cayenne pepper, it’s best to chat with your doctor before adding it to your diet. 

Do you think you’ll give this spicy tea a try?

Bonus Tips:

Number 3: Celtic salt drink

Lets read what Barbara Said about Salt, Celtic Salt has 82 minerals and Dr Robert  Thomson Says if you put a little crystal of Celtic Salt into your tongue before every class of water, she says all you are doing is replacing the minerals you have lost yesterday in your urine, in your perspiration, in your Bowel movement.

Celtic salt is a very wet salt because it has three magnesium. And magnesium is a water-hungry molecule. When you put a crystal of Celtic salt in your mouth the mucus membrane in your mouth absorbs those minerals and takes them to the cell.

Right, you already know that it is not tea but it’s another healthy option for heart health. It is called a Celtic salt drink. It has a lot of health benefits including blood circulation and cardiovascular health.

According to Dr. Barbara O’Neill, Higher levels of magnesium in Celtic salt helps to improve hydration. Proper hydration is essential for your heart. Staying well hydrated helps your heart do its job and more easily pump blood through the blood vessels to your muscles.

Celtic salt is sea salt. It’s also called “sel gris” or “gray salt” because of its gray color, which comes from the extra minerals: magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, and iron.

The minerals in Celtic salt may help relax blood vessels, improve circulation, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Celtic salt’s minerals, like potassium and magnesium, help balance sodium levels, potentially reduce blood pressure.

Celtic Salt contains essential electrolytes, which help regulate heart function and maintain a healthy rhythm.

Besides, Celtic salt minerals have antioxidant properties, protecting against cell damage and oxidative stress.

To integrate Celtic Salt into your daily routine and keep your heart fit and healthy You should follow the following instruction


To make Celtic salt drink you need one glass of water and 1 to 2 teaspoons of Celtic salt 


Take a glass of filtered water and add one teaspoon of Celtic salt. Then mix it well. Now your Celtic salt drink is ready to enjoy.


We know that Celtic Salt has several health benefits. You should consult with your nearest doctor before taking it or any other supplement. The factors that make it effective can also create complications for people taking certain medications.

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